We offer Fall/Winter (starts in September), and Spring/Summer (Starts in April) seasons. Registration is based on a first come first serve basis. Players must be 21 years of age when the season starts.
We have an A, B and C Divisions, along with a 35+ Division. We strive to maintain balanced levels of play in all our divisions.
Four No-Check Division Levels:
A – Top level players, including ex-pro/ex-college players with a high level of experience and knowledge of the game
B – For teams and players with intermediate skills
C – For teams and players with novice/beginner skills
35+ – For players 35 years and older
Regular Season:
The Fall/Winter League will consist of 18 games plus playoffs for top half of teams in each division. The Spring/Summer League will consist of 16 games plus playoffs for top half of teams in each division. Championship awards will be given to the playoff winners of each division along with their team name added to the Division Trophy. Rules are established to ensure a clean, safe and enjoyable season. Scorekeepers and referees supplied by Center Ice for all games.
Required Equipment:
Players are required to have a team jersey, helmet, shin pads and gloves to play but we recommend full equipment for your protection.
New Teams:
Teams new to Center Ice, please contact Karyn Canning at lessons@oakscenterice.com to see if we have any spots available and for instructions on how to register your team online.
Team Reminders:
Individual Players (to be placed on a team) :
Individual “free agents” can email their contact information to Karyn Canning at lessons@oakscenterice.com to have their information sent to the Captains. They will contact you if they need players.
For questions about Adult A, B, C, or 35+ leagues, contact
Karyn Canning at lessons@oakscenterice.com
Deadline: Deadline to register is 8/16/24. In order to register, teams must be paid in full for all previous seasons.
Season Runs: September 2024-April 2025
Rosters: After you register you will be asked to invite your players to join your roster (teams can request to have their roster from the previous season moved over). Rosters will be locked halfway through the season on a specified date. Players must be 21 years of age by start of season
Games: Games will be played Sunday through Friday through the season. Make up games will be played on Saturday nights.
Cost: Total Team Cost $5800 ($5600.00 if registered by 8/2/24). Teams will receive an additional $300 discount if paid in full by 9/6/24.
Team Captains please register your team online and follow Payment Schedule: